We offer this opportunity for California state and federal personal injury cases that are within four weeks from the start of the trial, for which settlement seems extremely unlikely. There is no minimum case size or duration. In fact, short (1 week or less) trials are preferred.
A Trial Partnership Designed for Solos and Small Firms
At the Walkup Personal Injury Law Firm, we believe in the Seventh Amendment’s guarantee of jury trials in civil cases. The California constitution also guarantees this right. The ability to hold wrongdoers responsible through the actions of committed and intelligent jurors is a fundamental right in our democracy. The exercise of this right is critical in all cases regardless of the injury, the amount of money at issue, or the financial resources of plaintiff’s counsel.
With Walkup Team-Up, collaborating counsel receive the benefit of a dedicated Walkup Law Firm trial lawyer to try the case with you, together with behind-the-scenes strategic support from some of the industry’s most experienced and respected trial attorneys.
Walkup Team-Up was adopted to empower and enable lawyers of limited experience and financial resources to try cases that otherwise might not be cost-effective or feasible, and to protect their clients’ rights through jurors decision making. We offer this collaborative approach by providing financial support and the skills of experienced plaintiffs counsel. Together, we can level the playing field.
Trying cases has always been part of our historic identity as one of Northern California’s oldest trial law firms. We cannot wait to try your case with you.
Richard H. Schoenberger | Shareholder
Quick Look


We are prepared to try multiple cases through the Walkup Team-Up program every year. We will let you know within 48 hours if your case fits our model. If so, we will start working with you immediately.

Financial Benefit
If your case is selected, Walkup will finance up to $25,000 of advanced case costs. Those costs are subject to repayment only in the event of a successful collectible verdict. Additional financial support is negotiable.

Strategic Benefit
At least one Walkup trial attorney will try the matter with you. In some cases more than one lawyer may be available to assist. In addition, one of Walkup’s most veteran trial lawyers (either Richard Schoenberger or Michael Kelly) will hold a strategy session with you and provide ongoing mentorship to the Walkup attorney who tries the case.

Those who apply for Walkup Team-Up with a qualifying case will receive automatic access to our motion in limine Sharefile database.

The Walkup attorney who tries the case with you will (at a minimum) (1) select the jury, or open, or close, and (2) present live witnesses through direct or cross- examination. You agree to remain primarily responsible for pretrial filings and post-trial motion practice. If the plaintiff wins, Walkup will share in 1/3 of the attorney fee generated under your contract. You must have your own legal malpractice insurance and have no record of State Bar discipline.
Our Team

Founded in 1959, Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger has built a reputation for integrity, skill and excellence in bringing cases before juries. We are willing to confront defendants and insurers of all sizes. Our trial experience covers a wide variety of case types.
At Walkup, all of our trial lawyers from the most junior to the most senior are committed to maintaining and protecting the right to jury trial. Trying civil cases is what we do. It is a principal reason for our existence. It is only in a courtroom that ordinary people can hold their government accountable and corporations responsible for their wrongdoing. We are committed to making sure jury trials remain the centerpiece of our civil justice system.
How to Apply
Simply fill out the short form below two weeks before your trial date.
"*" indicates required fields
Have a Traditional Referral?
For referrals that fall outside the Walkup Team-Up parameters, contact the Walkup Law Firm to maximize your client’s recovery.
Michael A. Kelly | Shareholder
For more than 50 years we have been a trusted referral partner by attorneys in all practice disciplines. We have paid millions of dollars in referral fees every year since 1959. Whether a referring attorney wishes to remain involved or joint venture the case, we take pride in our lawyers’ ability to work cooperatively and negotiate an equitable referral fee agreement.
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